Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fieldwork (Part 1)

I am pleased to announce that my first week in Baie de Somme was rather productive. After Brett took the train back to Paris last Wednesday, I stayed in Abbeville to try to figure out cell phone issues that would allow me to to access my email more regularly. The most affordable Internet-enabled phone was back ordered last week; I have yet to hear back from the store.

After catching up on sleep Thursday morning, I met my first informants, a friendly family from Rambures, located in the southwest portion of Vimeu. Because I got lost in the small village (No co-pilot… Any volunteers?), I discovered a beautiful castle which dates back to the 15th century. Hopefully I will have time to visit it during my stay. Work first though (sigh…). A fortuitous encounter with a Belgian artist from Mons that morning led to a nice conversation over coffee upon my return to St-Valery.

I spent Friday afternoon at Jean-Luc and Delphine’s place and finally met little Florian. He is the friendliest, cutest, most adorable baby who, I'm sure, will be babbling in Picard very soon! Then, I spent the evening over dinner with Anne’s family in St-Valery. I completed three more interviews over this long weekend of “Pentecôte”, along with a very pleasant dinner in Bouillancourt on Sunday and great conversation at Jean-Michel’s – whose humor certainly keeps my brain on its toes (uhm interesting image here !?!) – on Monday morning. I also visited our dear Picard elder on Monday, after learning of his hospitalization last week. Nothing too serious; I was relieved when I saw him…

That's it for now. Hopefully, you guys won't get to bored with my work. Unfortunately, for reasons of confidentiality, the most interesting details cannot be posted here but trust me, I'm having a great time and a fruitful visit. More to come when technology cooperates and is available…

P.S. This is a little wink found in the church of Bouillancourt. The architect placed this sculpture of himself pulling faces (perhaps for the priest!) at the top of the church, facing the alter. For years, church-goers assumed the piece stiking out was his beard… I thought this piece of humor would give you an idea of the local spirit.

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